Welcome to Sea Turtle Swim School
Located in a beautiful, private location in Gooseberry Hill, Sea Turtle Swim School offers baby, children (up to the end of level 4) and beginner adult classes in a purpose-built, undercover, heated 10m x 5m salt water pool. Owner and experienced, award-winning teacher Cathy Burbridge and her highly experienced team hold small group classes using state of the art equipment and techniques. With a custom-designed change room and glorious bush views Sea Turtle Swim School is a very special tranquil place in which to relax and learn to swim!
Adult lessons
Adult lessons now on offer! Great news! Adult lessons are back on offer! 5-6pm on Wednesday nights, starting on 8 May. Class size is limited to 4 adults and you will have the pool entirely to yourselves, so no need to feel self-conscious. On top of that, you will get a highly experienced teacher with 40 years of teaching under her belt! The class will run for an hour and will cost $45/ lesson payable
End of Term 3 2020 information
End of term 3 information Hi lovely Sea Turtle familiesWow, this term has flown by! It has felt very disrupted to me as I have missed so many lessons due to illness. Apologies and thank you to everyone for your understanding. Thank you too, to Abigail, Liz and Fi for coming to the rescue, often at short notice.Term 4 EnrolmentsYou might have noticed I don’t have the normal re-enrolment sheet in the change room this term.
Term 1 2020 Newsletter – Covid-19, Certificates, T2 enrolments, water safety
Dear Sea Turtle families, Firstly, thank you once again for your loyalty and support of our little swim school. It is wonderful to see whole families start and complete their early swimming journey here. Plus, most of the new enquiries I get start with “you have been recommended” which is hugely flattering. So, from us all, thank you! Covid-19 Virus I wanted to assure you that I am closely monitoring all available information regarding how
Hi everyone. I can’t get my head around the fact that we have already had 7 weeks of the first term. I just can’t keep up! Thank you so much for parking so beautifully. I really, really do appreciate it! As you know, it’s been a bit of a whirlwind. Fi had to take family leave, we had a trainee teacher in the water, we welcomed Megan as our relief teacher, and now we will
Term 2 2018 Info – including Toastees orders
Hi everyone! Thank you to everyone for your support over the years. We celebrated our third birthday during the holidays, I can’t believe it! There wasn’t much time for parties though – look at the photo to see what it looked like! About a week before term 1 ended we realised we had a major leak, so poor Mike spent a lot of the break digging! A pipe was broken, but it is mended now,
Term 4 2017 information and summer holiday program survey
Hi everybody I hope everybody enjoyed their water safety lesson and learnt something from it. What I have learnt is I think I need to run more lessons without goggles! It is quite amazing how kids forget everything they know when they are faced with trying to swim without goggles. I can’t emphasise enough how important it is for kids to experience the water without their goggles – this could quite literally save their lives
MONDAYS: 9am -12pm and 3.15pm to 6.15pm
TUESDAYS: 9am -12pm and 3.15pm to 6.15pm
WEDNESDAYS: 9am – 12pm and 3.15pm to 6.15pm
THURSDAYS: 9am -12pm and 3.15pm to 6.15pm
FRIDAYS: 9am -12pm and 3.15pm to 6.15pm