Adult lessons

Adult lessons now on offer! Great news! Adult lessons are back on offer! 5-6pm on Wednesday nights, starting on 8 May. Class size is limited to 4 adults and you will have the pool entirely to yourselves, so no need to feel self-conscious. On top of that, you will get a highly experienced teacher with…

Term 1 2020 Newsletter – Covid-19, Certificates, T2 enrolments, water safety

Dear Sea Turtle families, Firstly, thank you once again for your loyalty and support of our little swim school. It is wonderful to see whole families start and complete their early swimming journey here. Plus, most of the new enquiries I get start with “you have been recommended” which is hugely flattering. So, from us…

Hi everyone. I can’t get my head around the fact that we have already had 7 weeks of the first term. I just can’t keep up! Thank you so much for parking so beautifully. I really, really do appreciate it! As you know, it’s been a bit of a whirlwind. Fi had to take family…